The End

Well this jungle seems never ending, well as we continue to trek know that the jungle will ever change and adapt and grow. Continue to use your map and compass, food, tent and attitude to get through it because soon enough you’ll be multi tasking with laptop, phone, tv, ipad and apple watch.


These last few weeks we have explored the digital jungle, from Digital Identity, Digital Footprints, Digital Aura, Digital Branding and social media. I hope you have been able to take something away from this, and if you haven’t I leave you with top main tips:

  1. Social Media these days allows everyone to have a voice, a voice to share his or her opinions about everything. (Sometime people hide behind the key of a message board, only being able to express themselves online).
  2. What is published on the Internet is a tattoo for life. If searching hard enough, everything can be found.
  3. Reputation management is now dominated through the perception given through social media sites and the first page of Google. Hence always make sure your digital footprint is filled with articles, blogs and social media sites that represent you in a positive light.
  4. Social media is real time communication, and for anyone it is story telling at its best.
  5. It is important to have a digital aura that suites and portrays yourself or the brand, such as, warm but strong, flawed yet perfects, relaxed but racing full speed to success.

When embracing the digital jungle you will realize that social media is a major factor. It is something that has overpowered society; you don’t really do anything without thinking about social media. Is this a good photo opportunity for my Instagram? Should I tweet about this moment? Should I post something on Facebook? I’ll just take a quick Snapchat to show people where I am. Some could say we are obsessed, or should I say clingy girlfriend. Just remember there is a world out there that is waiting for you to explore, now this world will create some excellent social media content that can be shared and loved with friends and family.

It has truly been great hanging in the jungle with you, I hope you have learnt something.


Don’t miss me too much, stay cool.

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